Prices 2024

ALL DATES ARE FLEXIBLE – Dates listed below are examples.
Please contact us for prices if your required dates are not listed.
– Dates marked * – Start & finish your holiday on any day of the week.
– Dates without a * – Start & finish your holiday on a Friday, Saturday or Monday.

Select Season:

8th - 15th February £575£520
15th - 22nd February (School Holidays)£765£690
22nd February – 5th April *£575 £520
5th - 12th April (School Holidays)£850£785
12th - 18th April 6 nights (School Holidays)£730£675
18th - 21st April (Bank Holiday Weekend - per night added on)£155 per night£155 per night
21st April - 3rd May*£575£520
3rd - 10th May (Bank Holiday Week)£695£630
10th - 24th May£655£590
24th - 31st May (School hols + bank hol)£1295£1195
31st May - 19th July£765£690
19th - 26th July (Part School Holidays)£945£870
26th July - 30th August (School Holidays)£1495 £1350
30th August – 13th September £895£795
13th - 27th September£795£720
27th September - 25th October*£695£620
25th October – 1st November (School Holidays)£945 £870
1st November – 23 December*£575 £520
23 December - 2nd January* £995£895

8th - 14th February *Per Night*Per Night*
14th - 17th February (School Holiday)395350
21st February - 4th April *Per Night*Per Night*
4th - 7th April (School Holiday)395350
11th - 14th April (School Holiday)495450
18th - 21st April (Bank Holiday Weekend)545495
21st April - 2nd May*Per Night*Per Night*
2nd - 5th May (Bank Holiday Weekend)395370
9Th - 12th May370345
16th - 19th May370345
23rd - 26th May (School + Bank Holiday)645595
30th May - 2nd June (Part School Holiday)495450
6th - 9th June420385
13th - 16th June420385
20th - 23rd June420385
27th - 30th June 420385
4th - 7th July420385
11th - 14th July420385
18th - 21st July 420385
25th - 28th July (School Holidays)730670
1st - 4th August (School Holidays)730670
8th - 11th August (School Holidays)730670
15th - 18th August (School Holidays)730670
22nd - 25th August (School + Bank Holiday)730670
29th August - 1st September (School Hols)475430
5th - 8th September475430
12th - 15th September430395
19th - 22nd September430395
26th - 29th September430395
29th September – 24th October*Per Night*Per Night*
24th - 27th October (School Holidays)495460
31st October - 23rd December *Per Night*Per Night*
23rd Dec - 2nd Jan* Per Night (Min 3 nights)170 P/N155 P/N

8th - 14th February *Per Night*Per Night*
17th - 21st February (School Holiday)530485
21st February - 4th April *Per Night*Per Night*
7th - 11th April (School Holiday)575535
14th - 18th April (School Holiday)630590
21st April - 2nd May*Per Night*Per Night*
5th - 9th May465430
12th - 16th May465430
19th – 23rd May465430
26th - 30th May (School + Bank Holiday)830775
2nd - 6th June530485
9th - 13th June530485
16th - 20th June530485
23rd - 27th June 530485
30th June - 4th July530485
7th - 11th July530485
14th - 18th July530485
21st - 25th July (Part School Holidays)630590
28th July - 1st August (School Holidays)945860
4th - 8th August (School Holidays)945860
11th - 15th August (School Holidays)945860
18th - 22nd August (School Holidays)945860
25th - 29th August (School + Bank Holiday)945860
1st - 5th September595545
8th - 12th September595545
15th - 19th September545495
22nd - 26th September545495
29th September – 24th October*Per Night*Per Night*
27th - 31st October (School Holidays)630590
31st October - 23rd December *Per Night*Per Night*
23rd Dec - 2nd Jan* Per Night (Min 3 nights)170 P/N155 P/N

All bookings are subject to our terms and conditions which you can read here. We do not charge extra for dogs. All prices include electricity & water.